Friday, July 10, 2009

Our Vows

As an FYI - I got our minister online. Her website is She was awesome to work with and her husband took our wedding pictures. No, I don't have them yet. Please be patient.

Before we begin the marriage ceremony, Micah and Lacy would like us to take a moment of silence to remember those family members who could be with them today only in spirit, most especially Lacy's mother, Julie and Micha's grandfather, Raul.

Opening Words:

We are assembled here in the presence of these witnesses to celebrate the joining of this man and this woman in the unity of marriage. There are no obligations on earth more sweet or tender than those you are about to assume. There are no vows more solemn than those you are about to make. There is no human institution more sacred than that of the home you are about to form. True marriage is the most joyous of all earthly relationships.

A marriage is a promise between two people which takes a lifetime to fulfill; a promise to share your lives generously and enthusiastically each and every day; a promise to listen when the other needs to talk; a promise to comfort when the other needs assurance; and a promise to renew the appreciation and love you feel for each other. A good marriage must be created and maintained. It is more than the excitement and romance of being deeply in love. By marrying, you are committing to an agreement-one that you must make new every day: "I agree to help you. I agree to look out for you. I agree to trust you and be worthy of your trust. I agree to put up with your bad moods and try to make you laugh. I agree to do the best I can, and if on occasion, my best falls short, I will continue to grow and get better." And so each day becomes a small mosaic of plans and trials and laughter and ideas and promises shared and promises fulfilled, and to this we add the words: "Because I love you, I agree to do this. And because I love you, I will make this agreement anew everyday." To make this relationship work, however, takes more than love. It takes trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the best for each other. It takes dedication, to stay open to one another, to learn and grow, even when it is difficult to do so. And it takes faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds for you both. While love is our natural state of being, these other qualities are not as easy to come by. They are not a destination, but a journey.

Statement of Intention

Officiant: Micah and Lacy, will you both honor each other's happiness, respect each others differences and hold each other in your hearts remembering always to be each others best friend?

Micah & Lacy (together). We will


Maureen: Having declared your intentions to be together in marriage, I now ask that you repeat after me:

Micah: I, Micah, take you, Lacy, as my friend and love, beside me and apart from me, in laughter and in tears, in conflict and tranquility, asking that you be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not know yet, in all the ways that life may find us.

Lacy: I, Lacy, take you, Micah, as my friend and love, beside me and apart from me, in laughter and in tears, in conflict and tranquility, asking that you be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not know yet, in all the ways that life may find us.

Exchange of Rings:

Maureen: These rings mark the beginning of a long journey filled with wonder, surprises, laughter, tears, celebration, grief & joy. May these rings glow in reflection of the warmth and love which flow through both of you today.

Maureen: Micah, please take Lacy’s ring, place it on her finger and repeat after me:

Micah: With this ring I thee wed. Take it and wear it as a symbol of all we share.

Maureen: Lacy, please take Micah’s ring, place it on his finger, and repeat after me:

Lacy: With this ring I thee wed. Take it and wear it as a symbol of all we share.

Signing of the License (witnessed by Lizzie & Kylie)

Now you feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter to the other. Now you feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there is no loneliness, for each of you will be a companion to the other. You are two bodies, but there is one life before you and one home. When evening falls, You look up and there the other will be. You will take hands and you'll turn together To look at the road you traveled to reach this - the hour of your happiness. It stretches behind you, even as the future lies ahead. A long and winding road, whose every turn means discovery. Old hopes, new laughter, shared fears. The adventure has just begun.

Officiant: Lacy and Micah in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the giving of these rings and the joining of your families, I now declare you to be husband and wife.

Officiant: Micah, you may kiss your bride!

Officiant: Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Micah and Lacy Gonzales!

Please come up and congratulate the newlyweds.


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