This is my radish. Or radish's. This was actually an accident. I had an extra 12 in terra cotta pot lying around and thought I would throw some flower seeds that I got in a seed exchange in and see what happened. I was not paying close enough attention and suddenly, I realize I had thrown in a handful or radish seeds.

Remember Pretty Pea? She's a little larger now.

Her sisters, Sweet Pea and Mylie P (After my niece Paloma and her brother Myles) have also sprouted and seem to be doing well.

Finally, I would like to introduce you to my pepper pots. As you may recall, they were quite barren before. Well look at them now!

We started naming them but ran out of name ideas as more and more of them sprouted. Apparently I was a little heavy handed with the seeds for the jalapeno plants.
Also, after the last time I updated, I also planted white onions, cherry tomatoes and regular tomatoes. Those are growing on the top shelf right now and are doing well.

Here is the image that greets me every time I walk into my kitchen. I honestly, can not wait to get home each night and water my little garden while Will watches and supports me from his Bumbo seat.

Wow, what a gardener! Your Grandpa Doyle would be proud. He was excited every spring to start his little plants inside - mainly tomatoes. He usually used bottoms of milk cartons for the planters. They would be in the window sills all over the house.
Love, Aunt Connie
How terrific, Lacy. I think plants around make the air smell so much fresher. We started our seeds here after being inspired by you. We have baby tomatoes and sunflowers. We also planted cherry tomatoes and other flowers, but so far nothing in those. They got a little, ahem, loved on by my little ones, so I'm not sure they'll come up at all. Live and learn!
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