I don't like having belly pictures taken of me. I'm already a big girl and while I know people can TELL that I'm pregnant I still feel very self conscious. Especially now that I seem to keep bumping my belly into things like doors, walls and people.
I still feel generally very good. I occurred to me though that we have a little over 2 months left to get ready for this baby. And uh, yeah, I got nothing. Well, that's not true. I have a silly amount of clothing for this baby. Few sleepers but a lot of very cute outfits. But I don't have a car seat, diapers or even a wipe in this house.
I'd like to tell you that I'm always this relaxed and cool when it comes to getting ready for a baby but, well, I'm not. I'm just busy. Hazard of being the third child I guess. I have a teenager I have to worry about, I have an almost 5 year old who is starting to feel a little left out and a new husband to navigate marriage with. I have an full time job outside the home and what should be a full time job INSIDE my home (But certainly isn't getting the attention it deserves). I have PTO, friends and family to play with and that severely limits the amount of time I spend preparing for this baby. Poor little guy.
I have been informed that I will be having a baby shower. I certainly hope those people have the good sense to know what I need because honestly, at this point? This baby may have to come home with a t-shirt tied around his waist in a loaner car seat from the hospital but in a very cute Gymboree outfit.
When Joshy was born, all his clueless parents had only one pack of onesies and two packs of diapers. Eric had to run out at 3am while Joshy slept in, you guessed it, a t-shirt wrapped around him. One of Eric's t-shirts. I offered to wash it, but Eric tossed it instead. We also used other of his t-shirts for changing pads. Those were thrown as well.
I don't think we did any real damage, and it's a great story! Yours will be too, no matter what. I wish I was close enough to come to the shower. I love baby things (though not as much as the actual babies themselves).
P.S. You look gorgeous!
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