The short answer? Sept. 5th. In my future mother in law's back yard. Small, intimate, please don't feel bad if you don't get an invite. I promise, you'll get an announcement. It'll be closely followed by my baby announcement. Ha!
The long answer. Sept. 5th. In my future mother in law's back yard. But it's been a long time coming to that point.
Way back when, before I got pregnant, Micah and I had talked about getting married. He was pretty much with the idea after about 3 months of dating. I was taking a little longer but I liked the idea. We decided that IF we got married it would be about July 2010. July 24th actually. I liked the date, it has meaning for us. It was certainly nice to hear "I want to marry you Lacy".
We went on vacation in March and everyone kept asking if we were going to elope in Mexico. The answer was no. Honestly it hadn't crossed my mind until my former mother in law asked. Then I looked up what it would take, just for giggles. It's a LOT harder to get married in Mexico than in Colorado. So that was out. (Mexico involved a blood test and waiting period. Colorado says I don't even need witnesses.)
We giggled and talked about getting married and I knew by February (well, slightly sooner than that) that we were most certainly going to get married. But in my mind it was still 2010.
Every time I would come up with an idea for a wedding Micah didn't like it or was uncomfortable with it. It took some fighting and some tears before I finally said ENOUGH. And stopped thinking about it.
Until that positive pregnancy test in April.
Now, don't get me wrong. I don't believe in getting married because you're pregnant. I didn't do that the first time when I had Kylie. I was offered the opportunity but declined. Getting married BECAUSE you're pregnant is just a recipe for disaster in my opinion. People should get married because they love each other, because they are committed to each other. They should get married and be committed that no matter how bad it gets they are going to stick it out. Not for the kids but because it's the right thing to do. It's a vow you make. I have yet to see people who got married because they were pregnant work out.
But now, we've moved up the wedding date. Because I'm pregnant. But we had planned it before. Leslie and Melissa can attest to that. The girls I work with can attest to that. We'd been planning to get married. Just maybe not this soon.
Micah wants me to be his wife. I want him to be my husband. I want to raise this baby and my other babies together. I want us to struggle and love and laugh and weep together.
So we're getting married. And I'll be 32 weeks pregnant. And I'm okay with that. Baby moved it up faster but isn't the cause.
Here's a picture of my ring. Micah did good. 2 sapphires surround a round diamond. In white gold. The wedding band is alternating sapphires and diamonds. Honestly, they are beautiful and exactly what I wanted.

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