So of course it made sense last year for me to decide to begin trying to grow food.
Last year it was a few containers. I was very successful at cucumbers and mostly cherry tomatoes but I managed a few other items as well.
This year I decided to step it up and join the big leagues. Rex and Leslie were kind enough to design and build me (with some minor help from me and Micah) 2 sets of raised beds for my food garden.
Why raised beds? Well my yard is possibly the 5 circle of Hell for plant life with the dogs constantly digging and pooping etc. and so I struggle to grow weeds in the lawn area of my back yard. Vegetables just didn't stand a chance unless we raised them and fences them in for their own safety.
This is the beginning:
That's Micah showing a stubborn stump who owns this yard. You see that patch of green in front of him? That's the only spot where grass grows in that yard. Wanna guess where the dogs pee?
This is a rare moment of Leslie sitting down. Will assists with general supervision duties.

And this is the end product.
You see that roof between the two of them? That's a mini Pergola. My plan is to have my vining plants (I'm torn between cucumbers, green beans or sweet peas) climb up each side and hopefully over the top.
Each bed measures 12 feet long by 3 feet wide by 18 inches high (roughly).
That's a LOT of vegetables. I can't wait.
Those raised beds look so great - all ready for the dirt and seeds. I will be waiting for a picture of all of the plants poking out of their raised bed!
Aunt Connie
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