That totally rocked.
I am a gift giving GENIUS. Tell your friends.
So for Christmas to close friends and family we gave what we referred to as our Canned Family. It was a basket of 6 items that represented each of us.
Mine was White Chocolate Raspberry Sauce

Ky's was Cinnamon Apple Sauce

Notice the ingredient "teen angst". So appropriate.
Lizzie's was Vanilla Strawberry Jam

Will's was Peach Butter

And Tasha and Molly had Peach Salsa

Really the only family member left out was Jason so hopefully next year I'll be creative enough to come up with something for him as well.
The baskets with the Canned Family were a big hit and it felt really good to give something local that I also knew would be used. To date I've received a couple of jars back and feel like this might be something I'd like to do next year.
You are genius, Lacy. This is motivation to move to Colorado.
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