After Cookiepalooza I took Paloma with me and she, Lizzie and I went to the ballet. Well actually it was a performance Lizzie's dance school put on. Lizzie wasn't able to participate.
ANYWAYS, we got all dolled up and went to a ballet of "Alice in Wonderland".
I was nervous that the girls would get bored because it's a ballet and not say, a play or musical. I was not giving these two 6 year old's enough credit. They sat the entire time completely caught up in the performance.
Thank goodness it was something they had seen before (for the most part). There was a part with a duchess and a cook and a baby that gets exchanged for a pig. It's part of the original Alice in Wonderland but not the Disney version. The girls didn't care they loved the entire thing.
The BEST part was as we were leaving though. We saw Alice and Lizzie asked me if we could get a picture with her. That's one of the awesome parts of seeing the world through a 6 year olds eyes.
To Lizzie and Paloma it didn't matter that Alice is 16 and wears braces. That she's probably an annoying teenager at home. Didn't matter to them. In that moment in space and time that was THE Alice and she was a star and Lizzie and Paloma were lucky enough to get a picture with her.
Paloma spied the Red Queen (Queen of Hearts) in the crowd and her request was that we get a picture with her. Lucky for us both Alice and the Red Queen were very happy to take pictures with their fans. I'm sure it's good for their egos that little 6 year olds think they are the best thing that ever happened to the ballet.
Finally we got a picture with the March Hare. She was not as receptive to photos and plainly ignored me standing there with my iPhone at the ready AND Lizzie tapping her arm. Just as we were getting ready to go her father pointed to me and said something along the lines of "I think they want something".
I was over it but I still took the picture.
Overall we had a great time. Both girls were well behaved the entire performance and I believe they had a good time. Lizzie is semi-excited about her own recital this summer for ballet and tap now.
Semi-excited. Some days she still isn't sure about the whole thing. But the idea of wearing a costume certainly helps.
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