For weeks Lizzie had been saying she wanted to be a lady bug for Halloween. Lo and behold when we got to the costume store where there was a Lady bug costume she instead chose to be.....

A southern belle.
Still cute. Just more expensive.
William was a blue monster. I thought he was adorable. He cursed at me in only the way he can. Scream, crying and trying to claw my eyes out.
Kylie was Alice from Resident Evil. I hear it's a video game. And a movie or two. I don't play those games or watch those movies so for all I know it was a reason to wear a short red dress.

Lizzie, Will, Leslie (my long suffering but patient mother in law) and I went to Jenny's nursing home on Sunday for trick or treating.
Imagine, if you will, the fun of a lot of patients and older folks, some not as sharp as they used to be, gathered in a circle and handed bags of candy. Now the bags were for them to give out to the kids who came through but the way it was packaged certainly led to some confusion. They were Halloween treat bags and were tied closed, like you would give to friends and coworkers with treats for them to eat.
Yeah, some of them got into the candy before the kids got there.
We were early (on time) and so not everything was set up completely. I used Will has a distraction while we waited for the trick or treating to start.

I think there needs to be a study on how long a single baby can entertain a room full of adults. I bet it can last up to 5 hours or longer.

Trick or treating at night was a success. Well. A success in that Will fussed ALMOST the entire time, Lizzie only screamed and cried once and we trick or treated without coats.
Next year Micah takes them.

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