Monday, July 5, 2010


That means "Professional of Human Resources". It's a pretty big deal in my line of work, something that people study and study for. There is something like a 49% failure rate of those who take the test.

It also means that you know what you're talking about when it comes to HR. It is my professions "gold star" when it comes to knowledge base and having it tells people that know your stuff.

I decided at the beginning of this year that I was taking it. I was eligible since I had worked at my company for over 2 years which is an eligibility requirement. (Must work in HR for over 2 years)

I paid my $300, bought my study materials for another $300 and then waited. Because I don't know how to study. I've never had to study for anything in my life and I have no idea how to. Which, at 31, doesn't seem like it would matter anymore but this time it did.

Don't get me wrong, I tried. I opened my flash cards, I cracked the first book. Twice. But in the end, I just couldn't focus and study.

A friend of mine gave me a study guide that had chapter questions at the end of each chapter. I used that, plus two assessment tests as my study material and studied the HECK out of those questions.

To say I felt confident going into the test would be a lie. I had stayed up late studying the night before, completely skipped breakfast because I forgot about it and was at the testing center WAY early.

While I was taking the test I was trying to decide if I should bring my study materials with me to Wyoming or if I should wait the weekend and begin studying again for the next round of testing which was in December. That's how sure I was that I was going to fail this test. I had decided to wait and study when I got back by the way.

After the test you get your preliminary score right away. I competed the course, took the post test survey and reviewed the results. Much to my surprise I passed. I was so shocked at the results I actually scanned the paperwork looking for the word "Fail" because I was sure that I hadn't read it right.

Indeed, the test center verified I had passed.

So now I'm a PRH certified Human Resources person.

Which did not mean I got any more money at my current job. *sigh* No raise.

But it means that when I start looking for another position I will be a stronger candidate BECAUSE of that certificate and those letters.

I always wanted letters after my name.....



Congraatulations! Great job, Lace! I had confidence in your ability.
Love, Aunt Connie


Awesome! I'm not nearly as surprised as you, though. You are a determined woman. I'm proud of you!

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