Saturday, December 29, 2012

Liza helps out

Dear Lizzie,

I didn't get to play outside today because I was busy trying to be a big helper while you are gone. You're mom is still sick and I think that she really needed my help today because of it.

Today was laundry day! We did a TON of laundry like always but this time I was able to help! I sorta folded some shirts and pants!

Your mom said something about re-folding stuff or hanging it up, I'm not sure. I was just glad I was able to help!

After laundry everyone went to have quiet time and your mom went to lay down. She had told me about that last time she was sick and you came in to help her to I wanted to be a helper too!

I gave her some tissues for her nose! It's been so stuffy that it's starting to turn red so I tried to make sure these were the soft ones.

Then I helped take her temperature and gave her some water.

She said she was already feeling better but I wasn't certain. Her nose still sounded REALLY stuffed up so I looked around and I found this snot sucker. I tried to give it to her but she didn't want it! I can't imagine why not, it would make her feel better I'm sure!

Her loss I guess.

I miss you a bunch. I can't wait to see you again! I'll try to be the big helper in your place but it's pretty hard to do.


PS - Wilbur says he misses you too. And that he likes candy.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Liza's Update

Dear Lizzie,

I'm sorry I didn't write yesterday. You're mom's been sick with a cough and I don't know how to log onto the computer. It's been a pretty busy week with your mom going back to work after the holidays and your sister hanging around the house.

Wednesday I played in the Christmas stuff since Micah said he was going to take everything down this week.
It was neat being up that high but a little scary too. I wasn't sure the stocking was going to hold me!

Thursday I helped take down the Christmas Lights with Micah. It was sad taking them down because they were so beautiful and Wilbur was angry. He kept saying "I want Christmas!" I think he thinks the decorations are Christmas and doesn't realize that Christmas is a day yet.

Friday your mom stayed home from work sick. I felt bad for her so I tried to help out as much as possible by doing some chores.

I fed the cat who kept meowing at me really loud. But he didn't say thank you at all, he just ate VERY nosily.Your mom said he likes the purple cans the best but he ate the green one for me just fine.

Frankly, I think he's a little rude. I was surprised that your sister didn't feed him but your mom reminded me that it's one of the chores that you get to do around here so maybe Kylie just thought I was supposed to do it while you were gone.

I also helped with dishes. Kylie did put these away when your mom asked but I thought it would be nice to give her a hand.
It's been really cold here since you left but no more snow. I kinda wish it would snow so I could play outside again.

I miss you and I can't wait to see you. I hope you are having fun in Las Vegas!



Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Liza's winter vacation

At our house we celebrated Christmas early, on Sunday, December 23rd, since Kylie came into town Saturday and Lizzie had to fly to Las Vegas on Sunday.

Sadly for Lizzie she received a doll that I would not allow her to take with her to Las Vegas. I was afraid she would lose her on the flight and she will have lots of other amazing toys for Christmas at her dad's house.

I did, however, promise that I would let her know what Liza (the doll) was doing while she was away. So I will now open up the Blog to Liza (the doll). Take it away Liza!

Dear Lizzie,

I'm sad that we didn't get to play very long on Christmas. I'm looking forward to seeing you when you come back in January. Sunday, after the excitement of being opened and finding out that we looked like each other I was just so excited that I napped pretty much the rest of the day.

Monday though I got to play a lot. Monday I helped your step -dad Micah play the video game you got him. I don't think I'm very good though but he was a good sport to let me play.

I also drank one of your small waters. I hope you don't mind.

On Tuesday which was real Christmas for most people it snowed. I went outside with the dogs and played outside since William is still sick. It was colder than I thought and I couldn't stay outside very long.

I'm sorry the pictures are all sideways. I cant really figure out how to turn them the right way in this blog thing.

I miss you Lizzie, I hope you are having fun in Las Vegas and I will see you soon. Your family says to tell you that they love you and miss you.

