I'm not a naturally patient person. I try. I put forth the effort.
Sometimes it involves clenching my teeth, putting on a far too large
smile and faking it. But I tend to get impatient.
So when the seeds I had planted and set in the window
hadn't come up after two weeks I was, shall we say, concerned. I checked
out my trusty friend Google and confirmed that I had somehow screwed
something up and all my seeds were dead.
And it was possible. I had kept all my seeds together in a single
envelope and during a cleaning frenzy they had been placed in my large
kitchen window. While perfect for seed starting the window can get very
hot and given the strangely warm weather it was completely conceivable
that I had fried my seeds.
I grieved. I wept. I moped.
You see, I'm a seed snob. Sure, I could buy the plants from the
store but in terms of saving money there is no cheaper way to do it than
by planting seeds. PLUS I have the luxury of having heirloom, non-GMO
seeds growing things I just can't buy at the nursery. The nursery
doesn't carry carrot plants at all but if they did they wouldn't be the
sweet Chantenay Red Core kind. And while they have plenty of pepper and
tomato plants they don't carry my Sweet Yellow Stuff Peppers or my Fox Cherry Tomatoes.
Too late to place another seed order, I stopped by the nursery on
my way home from work one night and picked up another round of green
bean and cucumber seeds and resigned myself to buying tomatoes plants in
a few weeks when the weather was right.
Imagine then my surprise when I came home to find 2 possible
squash/pumpkin plants growing in my front yard. And then in the raised
beds I spied 3 sugar snap peas finally poking their heads out.
I could have cried.
Until that point I was pretty sure the only thing I was going to manage for the year was garlic and weeds.
Now, a few weeks later I have 5 -6 squash or pumpkin plants in my
front yard (they look the same and I possibly planted both close
together), 12 pea plants coming up and at least 3 cucumber plants poking
their heads out of the ground. Additionally I have a melon seedling of
some kind hanging out with the garlic (thanks 2 year old son) and my
potatoes are finally starting to poke their eyes above the dirt.
I suppose it just goes to show. I needed only the faith in the mustard seed. Or was that faith as small as the mustard seed?
Ruthie Growing Rapidly
11 years ago