I had a surprise anniversary to help plan.
I worked almost 50 hours last week. While my brother and sister in law were in town. I worked on Sunday for crying out loud. I'm trying not to panic about the idea of traveling with 3 kids and a husband this weekend. To Minnesota. Hello family reunion! (My house will be totally guarded though internet. Don't think about breaking in. Besides, if you could see my husbands student loan bills you'd know there isn't anything worth breaking in for anyways.)
My mother and father in law had their 20th wedding anniversary which, in this day and age is frankly a miracle. Heck, I'm pretty shocked that anyone married in the 90's is still married today. What's that? Bitter you say? Perish the though.
Regardless I'm still in awe that two people can go through as much as these people have gone through and still want to sleep in the same bed every night.
I helped plan this surprise anniversary party with my sisters in law Mel and Sara as well as my husband who pretty much handled guest inviting for anyone not on my father in laws side of the family. I was pretty impressed.

My sister in law drew this tree free hand. I'm pretty impressed. We had all who attended the party do their thumb prints (or finger prints, I'm not picky) and label them with their names. Later Sara and Leslie had it framed and it is gorgeous. You can't tell but that's their initials in the heart on the tree and two birds kissing. Under the tree it says "Rex and Leslie 20 years of love" and the dates.

We got some great pictures of the grandkids although by this point in the day Will had decided life was not worth living unless a bottle of milk was in his mouth.

Lizzie and Paloma were just happy to have their picture taken. And to play together.

And we were able to get a giant group family picture which was amazing. Usually someone is looking funny or my husband is mock choking his sister or something weird is going on and that's all we have. But because we have a pretty wicked camera (in a good way) we took about 400 pictures of the family shot and what do you know! 4 of them turned out.
Happy Anniversary Leslie and Rex. Here's to at least another 20 more. Although I'm probably not throwing another party until you hit 50. Sorry. I'm STILL exhausted from the last one.